Code Division - Women and Data Accelerator Programme

In the UK, only 26% of data roles are occupied by women, with an even lower percentage in Scotland’s tech sector. Increasing women’s participation in data roles is crucial for fostering innovation and diverse perspectives.

The Program:

Code Division’s new programme applies design thinking to bridge the skills gap, equipping Dundee women with essential data, soft, and employability skills through 18 weeks of accredited training, mentoring, and a real-world project, while fostering community spirit and empathy throughout their journey.

18 Weeks

Time commitment required:
2 days to attend workshops per week
1 1/2 day additional self paced learning or
12 hours additional self paced learning per week.

Who can apply

This course is open to any woman who resides in Dundee City.

Technical requirements include:

  • A computer with internet connection
  • Microsoft account
  • Google account

This programme provides in-depth training in data skills with tools like Excel, Python, and Tableau, preparing participants for roles in various sectors. In today’s competitive job market, technical skills are vital, but so are soft skills like communication and adaptability. This programme combines tech training with essential human skills, ensuring participants are well-equipped to lead, innovate, and excel in a dynamic workforce, positioning them for long-term success.


We offer:

Mentor support

In person Data Sessions

Additional Weekly Self-Paced Workshops

Self-paced interactive resources

ChatGPT Support

24/7 VLE Access

6 months free data sim card

6-Week Real-World Project with Industry Showcase

Industry Expert Talks

SQA Accredited PDA in Data Science (Level 8)